Chances are, your classroom will be filled with children from diverse backgrounds. Very few will look like you, dress like you, or go home to a family like yours. Take the time to learn about each of them, consult articulation notes and your guidance counselor, build relationships with their families. Read about their culture. Celebrate them for their individuality.
Research clearly shows that “Culturally responsive instruction is highly effective teaching that makes special accommodations for the unique conditions of CLD learners. (Cartledge, et. al. 2008).” When teachers take the time to not only learn about their students' culture, but also provide behavioral support for culturally diverse students, their academic and behavior benefit. As students acculturate and adjust to classroom expectations, they may benefit from structured supports as part of the RtI process (Abou-Rjaily & Stoddard, 2017). Give every child the chance to shine in their own unique way.
Abou-Rjaily, K., & Stoddard, S. (2017). Response to intervention (RTI) for students presenting with behavioral difficulties: culturally responsive guiding questions. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 19(3), 85–102.
Cartledge, G., Singh, A., & Gibson, L. (2008). Practical behavior management techniques to close the accessibility gap for students who are culturally and linguistically diverse. Preventing School Failure, 52(3), 29–38.